In 2000, forty-five thousand
students were learning in an online environment; in 2007, 1 million students
were learning in an online environment, and in 2009 27% of high school students
were learning in an online environment.
If these statistics continue, Ambient Insight projects 10.5 million
students will have taken an online course by 2014 (Christensen). Based on these startling statistics,
Penn-Trafford teachers began experimenting with the blended learning approach
to instruction. They believed that for
our students to become 21st century learners a technology component
had to be integrated into the instruction.
Blended learning occurs when a
student learns in a supervised brick-and-mortar building and through an online delivery,
with some element of control over time, place, path and/or pace. Blended learning is the effective combination
of different modes of delivery, models of teaching, and styles of
learning. Classes are student centered
with customized instruction in which students become active and interactive
learners. To assess the learning, the
instructor must create integrated formative and summative assessments.
Because of
the success and interest by the teachers, the Penn-Trafford Virtual Academy was
created. The Penn-Trafford Virtual Academy is an all-inclusive technology
system based upon the Blackboard Learn platform. This allows users to interact with Blended
Schools seamlessly from a single login.
The main goal of the PTSD Virtual Academy is to create a customized
learning environment that all students can successful learn by utilizing web
2.0 tools.
This summer 19 teachers in grades 3-12
were in-serviced on how to instruct through the blended learning model. They are excited to begin utilize blended
learning this school year. To begin his
school year over 1000 students will be enrolled into the PTSD Virtual
How do you find out what teachers were in-serviced on how to instruct through the blended learning model and if they are using this method as part of their teaching philosophy?