Friday, October 21, 2011

Community Meeting Part Two

I conducted the second community meeting at Penn Middle School on Tuesday.  I have been talking to enough people now in the district that I can start to see themes emerging of what peoplelike as well as their concerns.  It is overwhelming that the community members are satisfied with the education their children receive.  That is not to say that they do not see areas of improvement, but overall, they are satisfied.  One area of concern that is universal is that communication needs with the district needs to be made easier.    Basically people want to make sure it is easy to communicate with the school; whether it is with teachers, principals or other administrators.  They also want to be able to find information easily on the web site.  I believe there is a hope for more transparency in the system.  I know that all of us from the Board on down have nothing to hide and have a lot to be proud of.  It is our job to make sure that people can easily see that we are doing a lot of good for the students and that we always strive to do what is best for the students of the school district.  I really enjoyed the public meetings.  As I told many people, I had a blast at both of them. 

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