Friday, January 25, 2013

Video Department Recieves an Award

I am proud to announce that the Penn-Trafford Video Department has won $25,000 in awards from a contest they entered.  Mr. Steve Vinton, the adviser to the club (and the teacher in the class) shared the following with me. 

Prior to the holiday break my students worked very hard writing, directing, and editing videos for the West Penn Power "Ways to Save Electricity" video contest.  I am extremely pleased to tell you that they have won 1st and 3rd place in the contest for a total of $25,000 in prize money.    Both groups are from the Video II class.

1st Place  $20,000  Electractula-Alyssa Waldron, Mike Malloy, Brian Dulemba

3rd Place $5,000     Energy Draft- Josh Bujakowski, Evan Davis, Kris Vucelich, Robert Crawford

I am extremely proud of them!

Steve Vinton

The videos can be found at

This is just great news for the school district.  Not only does it showcase the talents of our students, it also shows that engaging students in their interests will allow them to shine.  School districts must focus on putting students in situations where they can shine.  I believe this can best be accomplished by engaging students in projects that facilitate their learning. Learning is not accomplished by a "sit and get" mentality where students are empty vessels that are filled with information from a teacher.  Rather learning occurs when students interact with their environment and create something based on their existing (and new) knowledge.  I look forward to our school district shifting more to this type of learning. 

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