Friday, May 17, 2013

Questions concerning Common Core

Today I want to clear the air on some misconceptions that I have been confronted with concerning the Penn Trafford School District and the Common Core.  Before I begin, I want to state that one can have an opinion on the Common Core based on facts.  I have blogged twice about the Common Core.  The first time I discussed some of the problems surrounding the Common Core; the second time I discussed the impact of the Common Core on our school district.  My purpose in this blog is to dispel some blatant falsehoods concerning the Common Core and our school district.

1. People have approached me and said that the Common Core requires Penn Trafford to teach sex education in kindergarten.  For those of us with kids in school we know that is false.  Penn Trafford has aligned our curriculum to the Common Core and I can assure you that there is no sex education in kindergarten.  As a matter of fact, the earliest that our curriculum really addresses those issues is in eighth grade when the curriculum approaches the subject of Aids.  But even at that juncture, a parent can have their student opt out of the discussion of Aids even though the discussion revolves around the spread and aftermath of the Aids virus.  It is simply malignant lies to lead anyone to believe that our school district will be teaching sex education in Kindergarten.

2. There is a misconception that the Common Core will require the school district to replace the teaching of classic literature with "presidential orders".  I am not sure exactly what this means, but I can tell you the facts about what happens in the school.  The school district approves the  novels that are  taught in the school district.  These novels have not changed much over the past 40 years.  The teachers determine what novels to teach that will best teach our curriculum.  The classics are still a large part of that.  I am not aware of any presidential orders being substituted for classic literature.  The books the students read are still very much a local, school board decision.

3. I have been approached and told that because funding to the schools is tied to the Common Core that the administrators will not speak against the Common Core.  First, there is no funding at Penn Trafford that is tied in to the Common Core.  I have never been told by anyone that I must agree to the Common Core to continue State funding.  To think otherwise is ludicrous.  I am offended that someone would think that I would jeopardize my integrity by choosing money from the State over kids.

There are many legitimate complaints one can have against the Common Core.  I have my opinions as well.  However, all of us must be educated on the facts and what is actually happening in the school district and the State.  Check out PDE and actually read the Common Core standards, that is a good place to start. Until then, I encourage everyone not to resort to lies and fearmongering.  The Common Core can either be stricken down or stand on their own without exaggeration, lies and misinformation.


  1. There is an election candidate for the school board who thinks common core is bad and who thinks PA law should be revised. I do not want my tax money diverted from our other challenges to fight this issue in at the PT school district level. Please consider advising the school board on how to avoid that in the event a new school board members wants to challenge common core.


    1. It is bad Larry, do your homework.

    2. Correct. I just don't want to spend our money fighting PA state law.

    3. We need to change our elected officials, and change the PA state law.

    4. I don't think it is a good idea to spend PT money on fighting common core. If PA is not decided about legislation, then lets wait it out. But I don't want my PT money spent chasing any cause, political, religious, conservative, or liberal. That's a legislative issue in Harrisburg or DC, not something we should waste PT dollars doing.

    5. Video Series: Why The Common Core Must Be Stopped


    1. Wow, just listened to the Glenn Beck link. He states some very interesting facts and the origins of Common Core. I didn't know about the government data mining used from this program. Chilling.

    2. Glenn Beck is your source of information? Try wikepedia.

    3. Here is a link factchecking Glenn Beck's BS. 14% ture, 86% lies to flat out idiot statements.

    4. Mike, I listened to the Beck video, and it made me puke. I read Wikipedia. It is a good reference? A lot of people use it instead of encyclopedias these days. Here is a summary of the origins of common core:

      In the 1990's the "Accountability Movement" began in the US as states started being held to mandatory tests of student achievement, which were expected to demonstrate a common core of knowledge that all citizens should have to be successful.[1] As part of this overarching education reform movement, the nation’s governors and corporate leaders founded Achieve, Inc. in 1996 as a bi-partisan organization to raise academic standards, graduation requirements, improve assessments, and strengthen accountability in all 50 states.[2] The initial motivation for the development of the Common Core State Standards was part of the American Diploma Project (ADP).[3]

      A report titled, “Ready or Not: Creating a High School Diploma That Counts,” from 2004 found that both employers and colleges are demanding more of high school graduates than in the past.[4] According to Achieve, Inc., “current high-school exit expectations fall well short of [employer and college] demands.”[5] The report explains that the major problem currently facing the American school system is that high school graduates were not provided with the skills and knowledge they needed to succeed.[5] "While students and their parents may still believe that the diploma reflects adequate preparation for the intellectual demands of adult life, in reality it falls far short of this common-sense goal." (page 1). The report continues that the diploma itself lost its value because graduates could not compete successfully beyond high school,[5] and that the solution to this problem is a common set of rigorous standards.

      In 2009 the National Governors Association hired David Coleman and Student Achievement to write curriculum standards in the areas of literacy and mathematics instruction. Announced on June 1, 2009,[6] the initiative's stated purpose is to "provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them."[7] Additionally, "The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers," which will place American students in a position in which they can compete in a global economy.[7]

    5. I checked into the government data mining deal. When I chased back the history, I found that claim all started with a Glenn Beck statement and then various site's referencing his statements. Then I find Beck referencing those sites as proof and support of his claims. So its Glenn Beck, referencing Glenn Beck, to prove Glenn Beck.


    1. See Toni Ising's site, the PT register that has other links to common core information. Using these links gives you two options. One option is you can find sites that support any views you have. Another option is to take a look at the inform and see wdecide what you think. If you're a conspiracy theorist, there is plenty of info for that. If you want to know the history and basis of common core, there is information for that. Common core is not a mandatory situation, 48 states have adopted it including PA. My only point is it is not a PT school district issues to spend my taxes dollars. If you want to do something, see local pa congressional reps. We got enough budget issues without having to dig up more.

    2. Do your own research people, or follow the lemmings over the cliff. At least that way when you hit the bottom, you're not laying around in somebody's else crap. If you find a site with content, then do a search on that site's background. That way you'll know if somebody is picking arguments to prove a point, or trying to provide you with data to make up your own mind.

    3. Pennsylvanians Against Common Core

      (and the IRS was a "good idea" too until it was run by Socialist/Marxist wackos hell bent on destroying dissent.)

    4. Strident lefties unite....stomp out dissent! We must all drink the same about a religion!

      Karl Marx described "useful idiots" as people who carry the Marxist ideals throughout a society or country itself, but this term can apply to anyone who believes in useless political ideals. Many young college students are bought and sold by liberal/socialist ideals like no-gun laws will stop crime in its tracks, heavy government control in our life is a good thing, and universal healthcare will solve all issues. They can be considered useful idiots because other countries around the world have proved these ideas horribly wrong, however they still blindly follow their leaders who say those things. Useful idiots believe they are fighting for "good" causes, but do not have the ability to think for themselves. If they would actually sit and think things out for a few minutes, they would realize how bad their ideas really are.

      "My adherents are useful idiots." -Karl Marx

  4. Ends, ways and means - the three portions of any strategy conducted to achieve success for one side or another.

    Ends - gain complete control over the education system from cradle to adulthood to ensure the indoctrination of the children and young adults (in colleges); they will learn to do as the Fed demands, and the desire to learn, study and read history or other 'non-approved' materials will perish.

    Ways - control the standards, means of testing and the very curriculum taught at all levels. Have it carried out in multiple levels and multiple parts, sink the hooks deep and step by step you gain control and with control comes power...

    Means - regulation, manipulation, funding/bribery, gradual step by step 'progress' until they have complete control and power in the end.

    1. Took a little time, but I can now confirm this posting is a cut/paste of Glenn Beck BS.

  5. You are "useful". You provide the entry point.
    You are a progressive....keep telling the citizens not to look behind the curtain.
    I think our current progressive occupant in the Whitehouse is also saying exactly that about the IRS, AP and Bengazi.

    1. I don't want the PT school district to spend money doing anything about those issues. Dr. Butler - why is this extraneous stuff on your blog?

    2. Not extraneous...just making a point. Anyone criticizing Common Core is ridiculed with attitudes of shut up, sit down, and comply. Well, were not going to comply, we're not going away, we're acting locally to save our Nation. We won't hand over our nation to the progressives that now populate our centers of education.

    3. What about the folks that don't think the same as you? Do they get a say?

    4. I think the absence of a reply means "No" people that don't like common core do not want those that like it, or even those that are open about it, to have a say. But we "progressives" must defend the right to say what they want. That is law, and that is the right thing to do. That can be as simple as finding a solid fact that proves one of their points is way off base. My favorite so far is the attempt by a Beck supporter to use Copernicus as a hero against common core. Jez, the conservatives of the time tortured him, ruined his life, threw him in jail. Now they claim him as their hero. Wow, that's something.

    5. You are mistaken if you think the argument is about conservative and liberal...simplistic to frame it that way.... I don't see Copernicus as a "hero". What my focus is to enlighten individuals through other sources than what is fed to the masses by mainstream media and academia heavily populated with progressives who rather use personal attacks instead of facts...Shutting down dissent of opinion is historically dominated by those who believe a large federal government is the solution. The solutions start with the individual citizen...the smallest minority...we are responsible for our children's education not handing it of to a faceless bureaucracy whose main self interest/goal is to acquire more control and more power....governments have done this time and time again.(example: current IRS cover-ups, current government intimidation of the press, etc, etc)...not a "conspiracy theory" just human history...America is just repeating the same path as other nations....destroying itself "progressively" over time from within, dumbing down our nation's children while we continue to throw billions of dollars to an ever expanding federal doesn't have to be inevitable...bring back the power to the individual, their communities and their states...local control and I are our best stewards... not a Corporate/Federal guided educational system who will eventually dictate.

    6. “No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth!”
      ― Ronald Reagan


  7. Glenn Beck?.....This is your source? It's no wonder you are so misinformed.

    1. Funny stuff though. holy crap, the words I got to post are "Obama likes common core".

    2. That's why Beck's sources are tripled checked, including federal government sourced, backed up so that everyone can decide for themselves. Go read the Department of Education's own information detailing the framework of Common Core. He even states for everyone to look up all sides of the argument, check facts, check sources, investigate for yourself. Hardly "misinformed". Throwing personal attacks as some type of snappy retort highlights your lack of knowledge to discuss an important subject. If you can't win in the arena of ideas you resort to deriding comments...the progressive Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals" would have been proud of you. RULE 5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
      Yep. Got it.

    3. Impress me, what are your sources? Do you even listen to Beck's comments?
      I agree with the above statement. if you can't bring cogent facts to the discussion why waste the space trying to deride.
      They laughed at Nicolaus Copernicus too.

    4. If Nicholas had to argue with the conservatives today like the church of his day, the earth would still be classified as flat with Glenn Beck quoting supporting facts.


    6. Here is a link to factchecks on Glenn Beck's BS. 14% True, 86% lies.

    7. that link is also known as fapcheck

    8. The socialist "drive-by" understanding of history let alone Christianity through the ages is amusing.

    9. Video Series: Why The Common Core Must Be Stopped

  8. Dr. Butler - Maintain or get rid of your blog. Larry

    1. The goal of the blog is to provide a forum for the community. As long as the comments are not abusive to anyone or any organization I will not take any of them down.

    2. Larry seems a little strident.

    3. Thanks Dr. Butler. Keep up the good work, and good luck with the new board. Keep moving us forward.

    4. If this were my site, I would create a section call Deleted Comments, and move comments there are not related or crazy ideas. But this blog is not friendly to that approach. Topics get moved back as time goes on and get lost. Hey, wait a minute. Maybe that's good the deleted comments get put someplace hard to find? Larry

    5. The anonymous posting features of this blog are such a major defect, it makes the site not advisable.

  9. Common core is a United Nations scam for a new world order. Common core is a US government trick to eliminate state rights. Hero's in PA can easily get change the cuurent PA law. Benghazi was a bunch common core activists that saw a mickey mouse clubhouse video. The associated press is being persecuted because of speaking out against common core. The IRS is auditing me because I don't like common core. It is not a set of standards developed in a bipartisan effort to make sure a diploma means something and the UN did not endorse it just because its a good idea. We should spend all our PT money and forget about funding buildings renovations to fight this conspiracy.

    1. What time does the spaceship pick you up?

    2. The low level of intelligence in the conservative community takes this seriously. Better not to make jokes or else you'll find your jokes posted as fact on some kind of crazy conservative site. They have enough of those jokes posted already.

    3. The above entry is clearly not authored by a "conservative". Putting up "iconic" liberal bumper sticker myopic "conservative" assertions is laughable.

    4. Video Series: Why The Common Core Must Be Stopped

  10. It's a joke on the ridiculous reason to pick common core as a PT school district board election platform. Go vote for Ising, not Morocco.

  11. Adios CSCO’: Texas abolishes CSCOPE lesson plans in public schools.
    “The era of CSCOPE lesson plans has come to an end,” said Sen. Dan Patrick, a Republican from Houston, in a statement.

    “I’m pleased that the CSCOPE Board has made the decision to get out of the lesson plan business,” Patrick added.

    Before Monday’s announcement, a throng of mostly conservative, grassroots critics had persistently protested that the curriculum is riddled with cultural relativism and downright leftist assumptions, particularly in history and social studies.

    They pointed to lesson plans informing kids in the state’s public schools that Islam and communism are awesome, just for example. Students also learned that the Boston Tea Party was a terrorist attack, that Christianity is a cult and that a Malthusian population catastrophe is about to overtake the planet.

    Read more:

    1. What this posting is about in Texas. CSCOPE is a customizable, online curriculum management system aligned with the Texas Essntial Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) which is there version of Common Core. It is a cost effective solution that was not politically driven. Conservatives didn't like it, so now Texas has to spend more money. This is what happens when you get enough pressure from outside groups to gin up a witch hunt with distortions and exaggerations.

    2. OK, on above BS. Teaching Islam and communism is not part of CSCOPE lesson plans, but those two areas are historical issues of importance to teach our students. The Boston Teas party was called a terrorist attack by England, and the goal of the lesson plan was to teach kids that standing by ideals may require standing up, a smart kid would say the effect of the Tea Party was an act of defiance against English taxation, and luckily it was a factor during the revolutionary war to generate the formation of an army leading to independence. Whether Christianity can be taken over by conservatives and make into a cult of extremist like some say Islam has become will be the subject of future history lessons.

    3. Video Series: Why The Common Core Must Be Stopped

  12. Give me break. I going to bust a gut laughing at this stuff. Where is the heck do you guys get this BS.


  14. Congratulations to the board. You are doing a good job. There is room for improvement. Please support the continuation of Toni Ising's site to engage the community. Now lets get the budget done. As part of that, please support the preparation of three bounding cases as requested by Sandra elsewhere. Please support a board resolution to prepare simple plots of bounding cases in future budgets. Please support a board resolution not to spend PT time or money fighting issues that are Harrisburg or DC issues like common core. This request from the administrators of the Penn Trafford School District Register on Facebook.

    1. Dr. Butler - please delete my remark above about good job.

  15. Here is a story that for some reason seems to me to be appropriate to the BS postings on this topic. Maybe its having to dig through all this crap about why common core is a conspiracy.

    A couple of parents were worried because their boy was way too optimistic. So they took him to a psychiatrist. Trying to dampen his spirits, the doctor led the boy into a room piled high with horse manure. The boy unexpectedly squealed with delight and began digging through it. "What on earth are you doing?" the psychiatrist asked. "With all this manure," the boy replied, "there must be a pony in here somewhere."

    1. “You know you're over the target when you start taking flak,”

      The progressive Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals" would have been proud of you. RULE 5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
      Yep. Got it.

    2. “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

      ― Ronald Reagan

      “I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
      ― Ronald Reagan

      “How do you tell a Communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”
      ― Ronald Reagan

    3. I think you got it mixed up maybe? Rules for radicals might be considered a required text for you.

      Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals is the late work of community organizer Saul D. Alinsky, and his last book, published in 1971 shortly before his death. His goal for the Rules for Radicals was to create a guide for future community organizers to use in uniting low-income communities, or “Have-Nots”, in order to empower them to gain social, political, and economic equality by challenging the current agencies that promoted their inequality.[1] Within it, Alinsky compiled the lessons he had learned throughout his personal experiences of community organizing spanning from 1939-1971 and targeted these lessons at the current, new generation of radicals.[2]

  16. “Extremes to the right and to the left of any political dispute are always wrong.”
    ― Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Conservatism is the blind and fear-filled worship of dead radicals.”
    ― Mark Twain

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
    Abraham Lincoln

    1. In your ignorance you would see things as "right" and "left".... It more or less, not right or left.

  17. That was too easy. Hit me with something good. I need a challenge or else I'm going to get bored with your BS.

  18. His goal for the Rules for Radicals was to create a guide for future community organizers to use in uniting low-income communities, or “Have-Nots”(class warfare...nothing new or radical , just repackaged Marxist BS), in order to empower them to gain social, political, and economic equality(we are all born equal under the law, we are not guaranteed equal outcomes) by challenging the current agencies that promoted their inequality. Too easy. Yes.

  19. “How do you tell a Communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”
    ― Ronald Reagan

  20. There are times to ignore foolish words.

    There are other times a wise rebuttal can help.

    Lord, give us wisdom to know the difference.

    1. Not bad. Must be from a Common Core lesson plan.

  21. Saul's dedication page:
    “Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer
    Guess we know where you stand.

    1. I'm assuming you are endorsing this dedication page, or using it as logic of your position?

      If your logic is you are having to go against everybody, and that the liberals are running the wh0le county, and you rebelling against the liberal establishment, then you are comparing yourself to Lucifer?


    2. We need original thoughts to help make PT be the best school system it can be, not rehashing of conservative OR liberal extremist views.

      Your references are as relevant as quotes form the Avengers:

      World Security Council: Director Fury, the council has made a decision.

      Nick Fury: I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-a** decision, I've elected to ignore it.

      If you want, you can be the Hero, Nick Fury, in your myth of fighting the world. Not Copernicus. Not Reagan. Not Eisenhower. Not J Potts. Not Twain (although like Twain, you are afraid to use your real name). Not even Saul. Not even Lucifer because he is pretty smart. Stick with anonymous.


    3. Extremes to the right and to the left of any political dispute are always wrong.

      Might be in common core somewhere.


  22. To you conservative that are doing postings to which I have unjustly attacked. Turns out you might be correct. The establishment apparently does not want open communication. The board and admin drags their feet about any requests like something as simple as budget plots. So I'm starting to believe you. Never, ever thought that would happen. But I can not endorse you totally, I need to think some more and see if the admin and board actually. In the interim time, I'll remain silent.

    1. Can we just agree, on agreeing, and stop cluttering this site with repetitive arguments?

    2. We demand transparency, it's our tax dollars! otherwise WE VOTE THEM OUT!

    3. Vote is 4 years. Impeachment? What kind of school system would not have, in file, available for public review - bounding cases on a budget-- at the time of a near term board meeting to approve the budget - and take a 7 days to respond to a taxpayer request? But if they need 7 days to get the numbers to match what they said, that is not encouraging either. When you see those plots, they might be optimistic projections of the cases that were requested, or they might be honest and straight. You might see some arguments about the cases being "unjust". Or you might see some text so you don't have to look at the plots. An executive level summary, one page introduction, would be nice, but I dont' want to pay for that if it costs anything.

    4. Answer: the same one that like blog's and doesn't endorse a community engagement site to make it easy to ask questions instead of praying for an answer here?

  23. OK, I just got mad about the situation with the admin, and I don't really think that extremist are right. Dr. Butler, I am begging you to delete this comment so the lunatics don't have a stick to beat me with.

  24. Goodbye Dr. Butler. Good Luck.

  25. Schools scanned students' irises without permission
    Parents in Polk County, Florida are outraged after learning that students in area schools had their irises scanned as part of a new security program without obtaining proper permission.

    Students at three facilities — an elementary school, a grade school and a high school — had their eyeballs scanned earlier this month as part of a ‘student safety’ pilot program being carried out by Stanley Convergent Security Solutions.

    No data mining going on here. No governmental intrusion here....look the other way sheeple.

  26. Dear Anonymous Posters of Comments:

    Your era of being able to freely post your disgruntled comments on this site is almost over. This blog will go away with Dr. Butler, and all your hard work making ridiculous claims and incite the community will be lost. That is a good thing.

    Visit "The Penn Trafford School Board Register" on facebook, it the only site now to get community support to move the school district forward. But people will see your name and associate the level of intelligence of your comments with you.

  27. I had to delete two comments that were a little over the line regarding political philosophy.

    1. Thank you. The admins have not been able to ignore some what-we-thought were ridiculous comments, and felt we had to make a reply or else people might believe whacky comments. We are sorry if that is a problem for you, but we could not let that injustice prevail. The admins would like to know what you think of The Register, it corner format, and any ideas for improvement., or post beneath the comment "its go or no-go time". We have a couple of specific requests, little time but big results for us, for your support in the event you wish to consider those request. Signed, the Register Admins which might include Rich N. since he runs a corner.

  28. Censorship. Progressives call this progress.

    1. No censorship, just deleting mean-spirited comments.

  29. Realizing that Common Core is the subject of the discussion, I must apologize for not being well enough informed regarding its tenets to add intelligently to the discourse. However, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your efforts on behalf of the citizens and youngsters in the Penn Trafford School District. Best wishes to you and your family as you chart a new course for your future.

  30. Ditto on best wishes.


  31. As a Priest (and former resident of PT) I LOVED your post! And as a Priest (and devoted follower of Jesus Christ) I take personal offense at these supposed 'christians' who do nothing but hate-monger and LIE.

    God bless you for your honesty and forthrightness! There may be real and serious issues with the Common Core Curriculum (I will leave that to those truly versed in the matter to decide) but making up NONSENSE about kindergarten sex-ed and presidential orders does NOTHING to address REAL issues.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to say the right thing.


  32. Dr. Butler - I don't know where else to post this.

    I heard you are considering a blog entry about the teacher evaluation system. Some time ago, I heard you had some ideas on how to modify the standard state program to be better for PT. I would like to see you identify some ideas on how the system could be implemented to focus a evaluations, and pay increases to the best performers, perhaps younger people with good ideas to improve PT. I would not like to see a system where everybody is good at something, and all the increases are spread out instead of being focused on the best of the best we have.

  33. The fact of the matter is that kids nowadays, such as myself, are not taught to think creatively and freely, but rather are taught to be obedient and rather linear thinking (albeit a few classes I've had in high school). Unfortunately I don't know a whole lot about the common core, certainly not enough to provide a valid opinion on it. However, I can speak on a few matters related to this new "common core" system. In theory, it's great - it adds a new standard of education nationwide, which may not be as beneficial to our school as others (because we are already pretty well off), but is still a good thing. It will certainly help to curb the ridiculous grade inflation that I've experienced in some of my classes, and it will make it much easier to compare skill levels across the board when entering post secondary education. In practice, however, it's begging for abuse. More, or even the current amount of standardized testing is just a huge creativity killer! If you don't believe me that Penn Trafford loves teaching to the test, well then you haven't sat through 12 years of it. What it really comes down to is implementation - how are teachers going to deliver this new curriculum/system? Well, that's where this school fails HARD. Grade school isn't always a walk in the park while taking advanced courses, even for an adept student, but it really doesn't get challenging unless you make it challenging for yourself, and lets be real, not many students are willing to do that! To be successful educators, teachers must make students BELIEVE that understanding the universe we live in is the right thing to do, which is UNARGUABLY the truth. They must be shown that the possibilities in life are truly infinite and not limited to one "religion" or set of beliefs and activities. Forget standardized scores, forget our "world ranks" in education, and forget the linear acquisition of knowledge that plagues our nation's youth. If you want human beings to succeed you must let them develop as individuals. Instead of teaching a child what to think, teach that child how to efficiently think for themselves, and your "results" will shine.

    If anyone understands this, it must first be the teachers! The ones who do, well you know who you are - and trust me you're few and far between.

    - anon57

    Not sure why I'm bothering posting in this forum of CHILDREN, but something really upset me as I read through the ridiculous comments on this page (from both parties) - maybe someone will get something out of what I'm trying to say.
