Thursday, August 16, 2012

"The Pod" or Customized Learning

Today our guest blogger will be Mr. Swartz the principal from Harrison Park.  He will explain how Harrison Park is reaching for the goal of a customizable learning experience for students.  This pilot program will allow the school district to learn how to scale a customizable (or individualized) learning experience for our students.  This project pulls the curtain back on where I believe education is going over the next five years.  Please take the time to read the attached PowerPoint and watch the video at the end of the PowerPoint.

Technology is transforming nearly every sector of our lives. Music, books, retailing, communication, news, photography, medicine, architecture, ect. have changed drastically, have become more efficient, and we all expect those changes, improvements, and progress will continue. Education cannot sit in this customized world as an island, embracing the Industrial Age, and expect to survive (Schwahn, 2011). This statement is one that is leading a trend of mass customized learning at Harrison Park Elementary. We recognize and value the importance of teaching all learners at their individual ability level while teaching to their individual learning style. During the 2012-2013 school year, we will pilot a comprehensive math program that meets these expectations.  Our customized math learning will focus on the following key concepts:
·        Constant (learning)- Learners are grouped according to each individual’s instructional level not their age.
·        Variable (time) - Progression can occur at any point during the course of the year. 
·        Personalized delivery- Learning takes place through goal setting, choice, demonstration of outcomes, and mastery of skills.
·        Balance in learning- System will efficiently and effectively utilize technology, interactive groups, and facilitator-guided and independent learning.
·        Assessments- Learners will be required to be proficient or better on standards, not earn letter grades to pass.
·        Opportunities- Various learning opportunities allow for the learners to demonstrate outcomes that are relevant for their future in the world of 2020 and beyond.  
Additionally, attached is a PowerPoint presentation about the pilot program.  As you walk through the classrooms at Harrison Park, you will see many examples of customized learning as well as a place for our children to be inspired!


  1. I could not locate the video at the end of the powerpoint. Please provide directions.

  2. I am attempting to get a link that will show the video. Thanks for asking.

    Dr. Butler
