Today I want to share with you work that the staff has done
over the summer as they have worked to align building goals with the goals of
the School Board. Business gurus such as
Peter Senge and Jim Collins have spent decades studying how effective
organizations operate. One the insights
they have gained is that an organization must all be “heading in the same
direction”. In other words, there must
be a clear vision and path that the entire organization is working toward. At
Penn-Trafford this process started with the School Board developing theirnon-negotiable goals for instruction and achievement. The school district continued the process
this summer with all the teachers from every school meeting to develop their
mission, purpose, and values as they align to the School Board goals. The work has been magnificent. You will be able to view the final product
for each school on their individual web sites in the upcoming weeks.
As the staff worked
on their mission, purpose and values I began to notice a common thread in all
of their work. What is more amazing
about this observation is that every building met separately and many on
different days! Today I want to share
with you the common “core values” of the district as distilled from my
observations. These values are reflected
in the work of all of the buildings and will be the basis for the work that the
school does for our children.
Core Values
- · Instruction empowers students in their own learning
- · Learning is relevant to student’s lives
- · Instruction engages students
- · Education is customized for Learners
- · Critical thinking and problem solving are essential skills in the 21st Century
These simple core values send a powerful message to all members
of our community that the school district is serious about providing the best
educational experiences possible for our children. Penn-Trafford is changing education to
prepare our students to thrive in the 21st Century!